PROBUS Club of Port Perry

to the PROBUS Club of Port Perry
A Social Club for Semi-Retired and Retired residents of Scugog and the surrounding area
There are now 256 PROBUS Clubs in Canada with over 40,000 members. PROBUS is non-political and non-sectarian. We are non-profit and non-fundraising clubs for semi-retired and retired persons.
Social Events
Social Events between meetings can range from sporting events, live theatre, travel, visits to places of interest, to any other activity that the Social Committee wishes to organize. These are usually one time events, one per month generally, but you can participate in as many events as you wish!
Our Newsletter
Click here to see our monthly newsletter, the Port Perry PROBUS Broadcast.
Interest Groups
Our members enjoy a variety of Interest Groups, including Hiking, and Bowling, and Darts and lots of Food and Drink. Join as many as you wish!
Monthly Meetings
We have a monthly meeting on the third Tuesday of each month with interesting speakers.
Membership Directory
We live in a world where concerns about privacy and the risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands are valid and widespread. So, how do we balance this risk with the need and desire for people to remain accessible to those who want to connect with them?
This is a question the Management Team recently faced. Our current practice is to stringently protect the information on the official membership list by limiting access of that list to those with a specific need, such as social and interest group coordinators who may require a member’s email or phone number. However, this approach doesn’t address the needs of individual members who may want to reach out to one another in emergencies or to offer support during difficult times. We are a “social club” after all….
The solution the Management team developed, is an opt-in Membership Directory, allowing members to voluntarily share their street address, email address and/or phone number with others who have also chosen to share at least one piece of their contact information. The Directory is designed with clear guidelines: it cannot be shared with members who have not contributed some piece of information themselves and it cannot be shared with any third parties or used for commercial purposes. The consent form developed for this Directory ensures that each member agrees to these conditions before they are added to the Directory.
If you would like to participate in the Membership Directory, you can find the consent form at the membership table at our next membership meeting or you can download and print one from this site. Once completed, you can either leave the form at the membership table or you can scan and email it to vicepresident.portperryprobus@gmail.com.
The Directory will be updated and distributed twice a year to participants. If you prefer a hard copy, one will be available for a nominal fee.

A new PROBUS club has started for North Durham! Please contact northdurhamprobus@gmail.com for more information.
Our meetings, social events, interest groups and travel are all wonderful avenues to have great fun with your fellow PROBUS members.
Our focus is on fostering opportunities for our club members to share similar interests, socialize with each other at events and during travel. Monthly membership meetings provide our members with entertaining and informative speakers and time to meet with fellow members.
The basic purpose of a PROBUS Club is to provide regular gatherings to those in retirement or semi-retirement in our area. Meeting new people and making new friends is just one of the advantages of being a PROBUS member.